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(FOSS) Friends of Skelton School

The Friends of Skelton School was formed with the purpose of:


  • Broadening the range of activities provided for the children of the School by organising various events and entertainments.  Recent events have included, a Hallowe’en party, a Sheep Race, an Armed Forces Day, Bingo and a Xmas Xtravaganza.


  • Generating surplus revenue to support the school in whatever way is deemed to be appropriate at a given time.Recently, FOSS has purchased IT equipment, new sports kits, playground and PE equipment and also subsidises some of the transport costs for school educational visits.  FOSS has also been successful in obtaining grant funding that have enabled a number of improvements to take place to the school’s play areas.


    FOSS also organises a ‘200 Club’ draw, the profits from which lend further support to the school.  The annual traditional school Christmas Party is arranged by FOSS and fundraising events in order to provide for this are held usually in the form of Easter and Christmas bingo events for all the family.


    All parents are automatically ‘enrolled’ as members of FOSS when their child starts at the School.  New ideas for events and fundraising are always welcome, as are new faces as Officers and Committee members.  The Annual General Meeting of FOSS is usually held early in the academic year.